Monday, July 4, 2016


                       ARMY PUBLIC SCHOOL GOLCONDA
                             PRACTICE PAPER (2016-17)
CLASS- III                                                                             Sub: EVS
I. Fill in the blanks with the given clues:
1.  Female member of a family
M___ T ___ ___ R.
2. Your own brother/sister is called—
S___ B___ I___ ____
3 Members of father family is known as ______ relatives
P____ T___RN ___ ____
4 Cockroach is an---
I ___ S___CT
5 Animals that eat leftover food of other animals is known as-
S___ A___ EN ___ ___ R S
II State “ true” or “false”----
1)    Members of a family resembles each other - ___________
2)    Your father’s father is your uncle ____________
3)    Your Uncle’s son is your cousin __________
4)    Giraffe is a domestic animal __________
5)    We get pearls from oysters _________
III Answer the following:
Q1 Why is a family important?
Q2 What are Paternal and Maternal relatives?
Q3 What is the difference between herbivore and carnivore animals? Give examples
Q4 Define Camouflage Name some animals that uses camouflage
Q 5 How do Yak help people in the mountains?

IV Draw a “Family Tree and to show relationship in your family
V Draw the “Butterfly Lifecycle” and label each stage : Color the diagram
VI Name----
a)    Two herbivore omnivore animals: _____________  ______________
b)    Two scavengers aniamls: ____________ ____________
c)     Two social insects ______________ ____________
d)    Two common insects ______________ ___________
e)     Two jumpers : _____________ ________
VII Match the following:
                A                                             B
1) Horse                                        a) eight legs
2) Wasp                                        b) reptile
3) Snake                                        c) social insect
4) Scorpion                                   d) silk
5) Silkworm                                  e) domestic animal