Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Revision worksheet /Class III...EVS

                            ARMY PUBLIC SCHOOL GOLCONDA
Revision Worksheet
      Class: III                                                                                                Sub: EVS

Q.1 Kalam is sitting in the last bench in his class.He is not able to see what his teacher has written on the board?
a) What problem Kalam might having? _______________________.
b) To whom he should go for check-up?_______________________.

Q.2 Rita and her parents went to hill station for vacation where she saw trees having needle-like leaves sloping downwards.
a) Father asked Rita why do trees have such kinds of leaves in hilly areas?

Q.3 Seema and her friends went to the biology lab to see parts of a leaf.As, she observed the leaf under the microscope,she saw tiny holes under the  leaf .
a) What are the tiny holes known as? _________________________.
b) Write its function? _________________________________________________.

Q.4 Class III,went to the zoo,were the students saw --- deer, giraffe, vulture jackals etc
Teacher asked the students .
a)     Deer & giraffe are _______________ animals as they eat grass and parts of plants
b)    Vulture and jackal are ________________ animals as they eat leftovers of  meateaters.

Q.5.Teacher gave an assignment to class .Name  the ways people used to communicate in olden days?. Complete the assignment using the flowchart.




1 comment:

  1. Flowchart questions can be answered by studying a flowchart tutorial . Its easy to understand with all the flowchart examples and templates.
